The pieces that matter most to us—a tie from a grandfather or the ballcap dad used to wear—don’t get their lasting, enduring quality from being perfectly preserved. They feel that way because every time we look at them we see the story they tell in the patina developed over repeated wears. The ritual of taking care of them was more important than keeping them in pristine shape. We think of our waxwear pieces as the heirloom-worthy style you should invest in now and pass down to someone special someday, imbued with all the moments of a lifetime.
Our new waxwear staples—the Waxed Bond Peacoat and Waxed Chore Jacket—are primed for these times when it's sunny, but not warm, rainy, but not pouring. Our waxed fabrics, sourced from the legendary mill Halley Stevensons in Scotland, block out wind and rain with a treated cotton fabric that molds to your movements the more you wear it. “The garment doesn’t wear you, you wear the garment,” our designer, David Sunderland says. Every person lives a different life, so whatever you do day-to-day, the garment patinas as you go along, the same way a pair of jeans would form to your stride.” The ritual practice of rewaxing your jacket is what keeps it impervious to weather and able to grow with you for years to come. The process is easy: all it takes is a simple kit from Halley Stevensons and to follow these four steps.